Tag Archives: journal

Robert Parker’s 100 Points “DEAL”

Seriously, i apologise for writing a second post straight after my previous post was published. I just needed to write this…

So i know many people out there are very “Robert Parker driven” and i also know that any review that RP makes could probably increase the value of fine wines by a substantial percentage, but people, if you’re gonna buy a wine based on a certain rating, i highly disagree to that.

With my humble knowledge and experience in the wine society, after dealing with so many clients and investors, the best way of getting wines you (probably) like is only through tasting. With that, i mean tasting it to know if you like it.

NO! I’m not saying that RP’s rating is not good enough (i never would dare so!), neither am i saying that it’s unreliable. All i’m saying is if RP’s rating of 100 points is labelled on a bottle, you better be sure that’s it’s genuinely good, but nevertheless, every wine is different and it goes the same for all our palates. We taste wines differently, and we all have our own preference.

So… i reckon that by having RP’s rating for a 100 pointer may be a great marketing tool, especially so after the prices of wines fell quite significantly over the last en-primeur. For the investors, it’s probably a great way to say that you’ve got a 100 pointer, for the consumers…. well, ___________________ (fill in the blanks)

Now, it’s all eyes open to see if this marketing gimmick proves to sell!

Signing off with the article from DECANTER.COM

Click HERE for the article!